
Is BRI a Threat to the EU?

On 6. June, LGP (Lansky, Ganzger+Partner), a very well-known law firm with its headquarter in Vienna, Austria, held a panel discussion on the topic of “ One Belt –One Road and the Western Balkans”.  And I was there. Ambassadors from China, Eritrea, Kazakhstan, Croatia, Mongolia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, the Russian Federation, as well as the representatives of the EU, the OSCE and the Austrian ministries attended the afternoon activity which turned out to be a well-discussed, insightful and significantly meaningful event. The panelists include Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Austria Mr. LI Xiaosi, former Ambassador of the…

Guterres’ Message on World Environment Day

On 5. June, 2019, UN Secretary-General António Guterres gave a message to the world about the issue of environmental protection: The theme for this years’ World Environment Day is air pollution.  All around the world — from megacities to small villages –people are breathing dirty air.  An estimated nine out of ten people worldwide are exposed to air pollutants that exceed World Health Organization air quality guidelines.  This is lowering life expectancy and damaging economies across the planet. To improve air quality, we must know our enemy.  Deaths and illnesses from air pollution are caused by tiny particles that penetrate our defences…

Guterres’ Message on World Press Freedom Day

On 3. May, 2019, the UN Secretary-General Guterres sent out an important message on World Press Freedom Day: A free press is essential for peace, justice, sustainable development and human rights. No democracy is complete without access to transparent and reliable information. It is the cornerstone for building fair and impartial institutions, holding leaders accountable and speaking truth to power. This is especially true during election seasons — the focus of this year’s World Press Freedom Day. Facts, not falsehoods, should guide people as they choose their representatives. Yet while technology has transformed the ways in which we receive and…

Guterres’ Message on the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace

  On occasion of the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, 24 April 2019, UN Secretary-General António Guterres sent a message to the world: This first observance of the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace underscores the value of international cooperation for the common good. For nearly 75 years, the multilateral arrangements established after the Second World War have saved lives, expanded economic and social progress, upheld human rights and, not least, helped to prevent a third descent into global conflagration. From the articulation of international law to the advancement of gender equality, from protecting the environment to…

The Misery of Brexit

For the EU, Brexit has been an eyesore beyond description. The tug-of-war between the EU and the UK is of a protracted war. On April 10, the EU member-state leaders met in Brussels, Belgium and reached an agreement to allow the UK to postpone the Brexit until October 31 this year. On June 2, the EU will give the decision another evaluation. British Prime Minister Teresa May originally only wished to postpone it until June, and French President Macronalso expressed support for it. But EU Council President Tusk and German Chancellor Merkel both stated that the matter could be extended…

Guterres’ Message on International Women’s Day 2019

  On 8 March 2019, UN Secretary-General António Guterres sent a message to the world at the UN Observance of International Women’s Day 2019, New York: Gender equality and women’s rights are fundamental to global progress on peace and security, human rights and sustainable development. We can only re-establish trust in institutions, rebuild global solidarity and reap the benefits of diverse perspectives by challenging historic injustices and promoting the rights and dignity of all. In recent decades, we have seen remarkable progress on women’s rights and leadership in some areas. But these gains are far from complete or consistent –…

5G and Huawei Complex

5G and Huawei Complex 5G, the latest generation of cellular mobile communications, has been a hot topic worldwide, both technologically and politically. The latter tightly connected to a series of happenings to Huawei, the world’s largest manufacturer of telecommunications equipment. Wiki describes 5G performance as targetinghigh data rate, reduced latency, energy saving, cost reduction, higher system capacityand massive device connectivity.Concepts like virtual reality, augmented reality and machine-to-machine interaction in the Internet of Things (for example, the optimization of autonomous vehicles, i.g. driverless cars) are all vital in the 5G context. 5G is nevertheless by far as mature as how many…

Is Lady ZI Zhongjun an Old Cynic?

Is Lady ZI Zhongjun an Old Cynic?   Today the social media group composed of my university colleagues underwent an interesting, if not bitter, discussion about who Ms Zi Zhongjun is. Having experienced incredible ups and downs in her life, this extraordinarily talented lady has become a well-known critic with her sharp-eyed, deep-going, relentless and passionate arguments on current issues home and abroad. Some believe she is no more than an old cynic who let out her anger in a destructive way, probably only to harm her own mental health. Some insist she is inspiring in truth-finding, using her influence…

International Women’s Day – 50 years after 1968

During the French Revolution, Olympe de Gouche unmasked the proclaimed Human Rights as men`s rights, and demanded equal rights for women. She was beheaded. Throughout history, feminist ideas and movements have often arisen together with revolutionary movements. In patriarchal societies, always and everywhere, women have revolted – individually and collectively – against violence, suppression and exploitation. But much of  “history” of women’s quest for self-determination has either never been written, or has been wiped out. In the US, the Women`s Movement emerged from the Anti-Slavery Movement, which had begun in the first half of the 19th century. The two main…

A Glimpse Back at DAVOS 2018

Recently, the 48th World Economic Forum (WEF) concluded its annual meeting in Davos. From the 23. to the 26. of January, 2018,  WEF saw a record high in participation numbers, hosting more than 3,000 guests, among them around 70 heads of state. This year’s WEF was held at a time when fake news were no joke, challenging global politics. AI and Blockchain technology are shaking the business world. Meanwhile, environmental problems including climate changes and plastics pollution pose no less troubling issues. It is a time when human beings are becoming more conscious of social change. We are willing to ponder more on our…