The Upcoming Forum on “Terror Attack, Security & Human Rights”

After the terror attack on November 2, 2020 in Vienna, on top of the pandemic lockdown, the topic of security vs freedom cannot escape the public attention any more in Austria. In this context, SINOPRESS, together with Urban Forum, is initiating a forum intending to recall the very terror attack and to bring up the security issues of urban public spaces. The forum is also aiming to discuss such issues as the coordination of international legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts, the political challenges of cyber security, the social integration vs the religious freedom, the COVID-19 lockdown vs personal freedom, etc..

Urban Forum is a non-profit association in Austria with the objective of enhancing the meaning of urban, municipal local affairs. It is about raising the awareness of the strength of city economy, promotion of the idea of regional and cooperative thinking, support of public economy and public enterprise (services for the public, sustainability etc.), contributing a modern administrative reform and all with the emphasis on the values of the European Union. (

SINOPRESS is an independent media outlet based in Vienna dedicated to the free expression of cultural and social opinions east and west. It is a non-profit entity and self-supportive by honorable work of devotion and communal donations.

The forum will take place around 10am on March 17, 2021. The honored panelists include Mag. Peter Florianschütz (Chairman of the Committee for European and International Affairs of the Vienna Municipal Council and State Parliament), Prof. Franz Leidenmühler (Head of the Institute for European Law at the Johannes Kepler University Linz), Dr. Georg Zanger (well-known lawyer in Vienna, President of ACBA), Mag. Michael Weilguny (IT specialist/Manager, Vienna), Dr. Franz Piribauer (Alma Mater Harvard School of Public Health) and last but not least, Dr. Anat Hochberg-Marom (Expert on global terrorism & radicalization, Israel).

You are warmly welcome to participate as a listener through the following ZOOM link:

(Meeting-ID: 972 1765 9920   Code: a9BAC6, if necessary)






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