
On “Monitoring Mechanism for Human Rights, an Online Dialogue” — Transcript

On 18. October, the Secretary General of Urban Forum, Mag. Bernhard Müller, held an online dialogue with the Austrian lawyer MMag. Florian Horn on the topic of “Monitoring Mechanism for Human Rights, an Online Dialogue”. Following is the transcript of the insightful conversation, partially joined by SINOPRESS, too. Enjoy! Müller: Dear friends, welcome to our online dialogue! It’s a pleasure for me to speak with a special guest today on the topic of “Monitoring Mechanism for Human Rights”! With Mr. Volker Türk being appointed recently as the next United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, following approval by the General Assembly,…

Announcement of the Forum on “Monitoring Mechanism for Human Rights, An Online Discussion”

We are proud to announce the upcoming forum on Thursday, 18. October 2022 on the topic of “Monitoring Mechanism for Human Rights, An Online Discussion”, an event co-organized by URBAN FORUM and SINOPRESS.   Date: 3.45pm-5.00pm, 18.October 2022 Venue: ZOOM Meeting Join Zoom Meeting Organizers: URBAN FORUM, SINOPRESS Moderation: MMag. Alice Schmatzberger/Mag. Bernhard Müller    Agenda: With Mr. Volker Türk being appointed recently as the next United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, following approval by the General Assembly, Austria has drawn the world’s attention as a stronghold in the monitoring mechanism for human rights. According to the Vienna-based…

Review of the Online Forum on “Structural Violence and Public Policy”

The online forum on “Structural Violence and Public Policy” was successfully convened on 14. June 2022. Social violence, which involves a range of different social, political and economic contexts, is a complex phenomenon. Becoming a serious public problem, it has an increasing impact on members of society, especially in the complex context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war. With “Structural Violence and Public Policy” as its topic, SINOPRESS invited the following experts including Dr. Laszlo Flamm (Hungary, historian, PhD, foreign policy expert), Dr. Anat Hochberg-Marom (Israel, geopolitical Expert), Dr. Franz Piribauer (Austria, public health expert, graduate of Harvard…

Announcement of Online Forum on “Structural Violence and Public Policy”

  We are proud to announce our next online forum on the topic of “Structural Violence and Public Policy”!     Date and Time: 14. June, 2022, 3.30pm to 5pm CET Venue: ZOOM Conference Agenda: At the backdrop of anti-terrorism, COVID- 19 pandemic and the imminent war situation in Ukraine, social violence has become a critical public health problem, creating compromised health and social suffering. It is also a complex phenomenon that involves a spectrum of behavioral and social interactions that vary across the lifespan and different social, political and economic contexts. A term first coined by Johan Galtung, “structural violence” refers…

Mr. KISZELLY on Hungary and Its Trial of Stability

On April 3, 2022, Viktor Orbán won a fourth successive term as Hungary’s prime minister. With nearly 86% of the vote counted on Sunday night, Fidesz was winning 135 seats in the 199-member parliament, crushing a six-party opposition who aimed at unseating Orbán with Márki-Zay as its designated PM candidate. Co-invited by SINOPRESS based in Vienna and Dr. FLAMM based in Budapest, Zoltán KISZELLY, Director of the Centre for Political Analyses of the Századvég Foundation, Budapest, joined the Zoom Conference on March 29, 2022 as a panelist and inspired the participants by elaborating the following questions.  SINOPRESS: What are the most…

Announcement of Online Forum on “Hungary and Its Trial of Stability”

  We are proud to announce the upcoming forum on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 on the topic of „ Hungary and Its Trial of Stability””, an event co-organized by Dr. Laszlo FLAMM and SINOPRESS. Dr. Laszlo Flamm is a Hungarian historian and foreign policy expert; SINOPRESS is an independent, non-profit and self-supportive media outlet based in Vienna dedicated to the free expression of cultural and social opinions east and west.   Venue: Zoom Conference Date: 29.03.2022 Time: 7.30pm-9pm Link: Meeting ID: 915 4563 0721 Passcode: 397204   Moderator: David Kainrath, BSc, MSc   Agenda: As the 2022 parliamentary election…

Announcement of Online Forum on “Modern Warfare and Urban Security”

We are proud to announce the upcoming forum on Thursday, 17. March 2022 on the topic of „ Modern Warfare and Urban Security”, an event co-organized by URBAN FORUM and SINOPRESS. Date: 3.30-5pm, 17. March 2022   Venue: ZOOM Conference Meeting-ID: 914 4355 7466 Passcode: 290517   Organizers: Urban Forum SINOPRESS Moderator: MMag. Alice Schmatzberger   Agenda: In the wake of Russian military invasion of Ukraine, urban security becomes an imminent issue, especially in Europe. The complication of modern warfare with the possible cold, warm, or hybrid forms – even the use of energy weapons – requires the development…

Review of Online Forum on “Sports vs Politics”

On 3. February 2022, one day before the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, Austrian experts from sports, politics and culture gathered at the online forum co-organized by Urban Forum and SINOPRESS to discuss about the relationship between sports and politics in today’s world. The panelists include Dr. Peter Wittmann, Former State Secretary in the Federal Chancellery for Europe, Arts and Sport, Former President of the Austrian Federal Sports Organization as well as the Paralympics; Mr. Ernst Woller, Chairman of the Sports Committee of the City of Vienna for more than two decades, President of the Vienna State…

Announcement of Online Forum on “Sports vs Politics”

  We are proud to announce the upcoming forum on Thursday, 03. February 2022 on the topic of „ Sports vs Politics”, an event co-organized by URBAN FORUM and SINOPRESS. Date: 3.30-5pm, 03. February 2022   Venue: ZOOM Conference Meeting-ID: 937 0457 0665 Passcode: 604727   Organizers: Urban Forum, SINOPRESS   Moderator: MMag. Alice Schmatzberger   Agenda: Against the polarizing backdrop of today’s geo-politics worldwide, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics is approaching, scheduled to be held on February 4th, 2022. Originated 3000 years ago in the ancient Greece, the principles of the Games are reshaped by…

Interview with Prof. Wolfgang Kubin, A Dialogue

On 18. January 2022, SINOPRESS held an interview with Prof. Wolfgang Kubin, one of today’s most influential Chinese experts. A scholar with more than 200 publications, Prof. Kubin defined himself first of all as a poet. In the interview, he talked about his time in Beijing, his memory of Vienna, Berlin, Bonn, and his longing for returning to Shantou University where he finds his happiness right now. The talk touched German philosophy, Western music and Chinese poetry, embracing the shared opinion in understanding the human nature and finding abode in transcending oneself. An inspiring journey into life and its enlightenment….