Announcement of the Forum on “Monitoring Mechanism for Human Rights, An Online Discussion”

We are proud to announce the upcoming forum on Thursday, 18. October 2022 on the topic of “Monitoring Mechanism for Human Rights, An Online Discussion”, an event co-organized by URBAN FORUM and SINOPRESS.



3.45pm-5.00pm, 18.October 2022


ZOOM Meeting

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MMag. Alice Schmatzberger/Mag. Bernhard Müller



With Mr. Volker Türk being appointed recently as the next United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, following approval by the General Assembly, Austria has drawn the world’s attention as a stronghold in the monitoring mechanism for human rights.

According to the Vienna-based European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) inaugurated on 1 March 2007, there are over 80 monitoring mechanisms with a human rights remit under the auspices of the United Nations, the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), the Council of Europe as well as the European Union. For example, UHRI (Universal Human Rights Index) under the United Nations, HUDOC under the Council of Europe, CJEU/CURIA (Court of Justice of the European Union) under the European Union.

As a State-driven process, furthermore, the UN organization UPR (Universal Periodic Review) is a unique process which provides the opportunity for each UN member State to declare what actions they have taken to improve the human rights situations in their countries, to fulfil their human rights obligations, and to offer proposals for other member States. (Currently, no other universal mechanism of this kind exists.)

Yet a lot of questions remain open: What are the basic values of human rights? Should the understanding of human rights be associated with different cultures, traditions and mentalities? Are human rights born with or granted by any State? Should human rights be individual-oriented or social-oriented? How to collect information and interpret it from a human rights perspective and what to monitor? Today, the complexity of the world’s geo-political landscape is at a new peak. Covering political, economic, military, as well as energy, security and environmental issues, has the concept of human rights gained new perspectives? MMag. Florian Horn, an Austrian lawyer and board member of “the Austrian League for Human Rights”, the keynote speaker, will be offering his insights into the related issues including:

  1. Human rights in the context of today’s geo-political landscape
  2. Human rights in the context of cultural background and traditional interpretation
  3. NGOs’ function in human rights watch (e.g., the Austrian League for Human Rights)
  4. Consensus and disputes concerning the definition of human rights
  5. Theoretical possibilities vs realistic predicament in the monitoring mechanism for human rights (e.g., refugee/immigrant/terror attack issues)

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