China, USA, Human Rights and More

During the course of the long human history, the connotation of human rights has been going through different stages. Even in the 21stcentury, slavery, racial and sexual inequality, political and cultural bias, and even genocide still exist. How to define human rights is still an open question.

In a few interviews with Mr. Albert Frantz, Dr. Georg Zanger as well as two young students from Scotland and Germany respectively, the topic of human rights in China regarding the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act and the Hongkong Human Rights and Democracy Act are discussed and explored in this video.

The concept of human rights evolves, changes, and is finding more complexity when we face a world of environmental disasters and high-tech challenges, a world of regional wars, of contrast in ideology between east and west, between the developed countries and the developing countries.

Maybe one day, we’ll have to think of how to survive, how to talk about the rights of artificial intelligence, how to solve the conflict between AI rights and human rights. Maybe one day, we’ll finally realize how meaningless to fight against each other because of the ideological discrepancy. Maybe one day, the so-called country border will be eliminated. Maybe one day, the human world will realize that human rights are after all a form of animal rights, that all humans are equal, equal to each other, and equal to all the creatures in this world.

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