Refugees, Human Rights & Alpine Peace Crossing


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Human rights, a topic as old as humanity itself, has never ceased to be a hot issue throughout human history. Thomas Jefferson wrote in the U.S. Declaration of Independence that „All men are created equal“. Since then, this sentence might be the most quoted one. Yet easy said, difficult done! The implementation of human rights has been encountering dilemma and improbable situations all the way through the human civilization.

As our world is turning more and more mobile, human rights are facing new challenges caused by political impasse, cultural conflicts, economic disaster and regional wars. What is happening right now as far as human rights are concerned around the world, in Europe, Asia and other continents? How to anticipate the future of humanity? Dr. Ernst Löschner will offer us his insight.

Dr. Ernst Löschner is a veteran human rights advocator in Austria. His year-long persistent work in the realm of human rights has brought fruitful achievements, i.g. a documentation in the form of a book published in 2013:  „Aufruf für Eine Menschenliche Flüchtlingspolitik“ („Appeal For Humane Refugee Policies“).  It has a huge collection of more than 30,000 signatures by people from all walks of life, among them a lot of celebrities, too.

Dr. Ernst Löschner is also the initiator of a more than 10-year-old project called Alpine Peace Crossing, a charity for refugee support.

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