Linyi Daicun Community: Creating a Pastoral New City of Hope

Daicun Community, located in Bianzhuang District, Lanling County of Linyi City, is proposing the concept of a new-styled pastoral community within the county. With Mr. Wang Chuanxi as a leading figure of the Lanling County Committee, the concept aims to promote the rural revitalization by helping out the poorer area with the power of the richer ones.

Daicun Community is a so-called “model village” with a total industry output value of 2.6 billion yuan, which means a per capita yearly net income of villagers of 69,000 yuan. Mr. Wang Chuanxi believes that if Daicun wants new development, it must find new road for growth. His idea is to lengthen the industrial chain by connecting the surrounding villages into a coordinated development network. This was unthinkable before 2018, when the grassroot organizations of the 11 surrounding villages were disorganized. The village cadres were highly dependent on their ideology, leaving the ecological environment much in the worrying state.

In 2018, Wang Chuanxi proposed the construction of the “Pastoral New City” project, covering 11 villages around Daicun Community to integrate surrounding resources through a joint committee. Now, asphalt roads connect the villages, and the “Pastoral New City” project is in full swing. At present, 20 enterprises and scientific research units have settled in the new city, with investment reaching 1.885 billion yuan. A number of manufacturing companies have also reached cooperative intentions there. 

“This is a new economic growth chance for the villages. We are ready to build this Pastoral New City into a city of hope that has complete urban functions while maintaining the pastoral scenery. Inhabitants here can live and work in peacefulness and contentment, while earning more income.” Mr. Wang Chuanxi said in joy.

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